

For years, I’ve been teaching my bar/bat mitzvah students about time management and focus during studying. I developed a system by which students study for 5-10 minutes at a time, understanding that the brain fills up to a point and then loses focus. It was a great idea that I invented.

Or so I thought.

I’m dreaming of a white… Hanukkah?

I’m dreaming of a white… Hanukkah?

One of the most famous of Christmas songs is by a Jewish composer: Irving Berlin. I don’t care what face tradition you grew up with; White Christmas is a terrific song and it makes me think of the season. But where are all the great Hanukkah songs? Where is the...
Finding an "ultimate meaningful existence"

Finding an "ultimate meaningful existence"

Rabbi Alvin Reines, professor of philosophy at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio from 1958 until his death in 2004, taught that religion exists because we realize that we are each destined to die. Because our life is finite, with a beginning and an end, we...
Finalitly of Judgment

Finalitly of Judgment

On September 21, 2011, at 10:53 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Troy Davis was executed by the state of Georgia. He was tried and convicted for the assault of two men and the murder of a third, a police officer, in Savannah, Georgia in August of 1989. As with other...
Slow to Anger

Slow to Anger

God passed by before [Moses] and proclaimed, “The Eternal God, the Eternal God, omnipotent, merciful and kind, slow to anger, with tremendous love and truth. Who remembers deeds of love for thousands [of generations], forgiving sin, rebellion and error. Who does not...

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